It wasn't you. It was everybody.
Christmas was missing some cheer.
Lights were dim.
Pagan Christmas was just as dim.
So was Solstice, Kwanza, you name it.
I woke up Christmas Day to the news more people had been killed in Gaza than any other day of the war.
Baby Jesusland was a nightmare.
We did find merriment, at a house across town, a family filled with cheer and football and beer and good food and kids. So the day wasn't a total loss, but I'm dreaming of a White Christmas. But it's only a dream because Climate Change.
I live in Cold Country and it was 54º.
Down the streets migrants who had been shipped here from Texas were grilling outside their tent.
Some kids were dealing drugs in the school parking lot.
Last Friday, I heard about a bunch people getting laid off from Disney.
I watched of bunch of Christmas movies to kindle spirit. Best one was Jim Carey as The Grinch. I'm rolling on the floor watching Carey do the Grinch . He's brilliant. Thank you, Jim. I needed that.
~ chris